Job Seekers: Search Tennessee K-12 teaching and administration school jobs Employers: Post Tennessee teaching positions and recruit K-12 educators
Find information on state teacher certifications, teaching jobs
and administrative positions in Tennessee.
If you are searching for a K-12 position in Tennessee
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Most public and private schools in Tennessee will require a state license
or a teaching certification.
Below you can find information and links to the Tennessee certification requirements on teaching
and school administration.
Tennessee Office of Licensing DOE
4th Floor, Andrew Johnson Tower 710 James Robertson Parkway
Alternative Routes: Interim Probationary License Type A and B (G); Interim Probationary License Type D (D); Permit to Teach (F); (615) 532-4880
Additional Info:
Direct any Tennessee certification related questions to
their email address, [email protected] or visit their web site listed above!
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