you a member of an education association or organization? to
have it listed here
send your information to
Association of Teacher Educators - Detailed
information about ATE. Information in regards to upcoming events,
special interest groups and membership.
Academic Organizations & Associations on the
American Association of School Administrators
American Educational Research Association
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
American Association for Employment in Education
American Association of School Administrators
Academy of Achievement
Association of School Business Officials
American Educators Association
American Educational Research Association
Alliance of Faculty Senates (Alaska)
Alliance of Universities for Democracy
American Association for Adult and Continuing Education
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
American Association of Physics Teachers
American Association of State Colleges and Universities
American College Personnel Association
American Federation of Teachers
American Institute for Creative Education
American College Personnel Association
American Council on Education
American Taking Action for Kids: A
national education network of school websites, resources and
funding created entirely by involved parents, teachers and community
leaders as a public service for schools and non-profits.
American School Counselor Association
American School Food Service Association
American Society for Engineering Education
Area Cooperative Educational Service
Arizona Faculty Association AAUP Chapter Service
Association for Experiential Education
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Association of American Educators
Association of American Colleges and Universities
Association of American Universities
Association of Childhood Education International
Association of Christian Schools International
Association of Commonwealth Universities
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
Association of Support for Graduate Students
Association of Teachers of Technical Writing
Association for the Study of Higher Education
Association of Teacher Educators
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Coalition for Adequate School Housing
Christian Educators Association International.
Association of Christian Teachers and Educators serving in public
and private schools
Coalition for Education in the Life Sciences
Coalition for School Funding Now - A grass
roots organization dedicated to securing adequate funding for
Oregon schools.
Colorado Association of School Executives
-Colorado's most comprehensive
online source for education job listings.
Colorado Association of School Board
Computer Using Educators
Consortium for School Networking
Council for Basic Education
Council of Chief State School Officers
Council for Exceptional Children
Education Trust
Forward in the Fifth (Estate)
Georgia Teachers Organization
Halton Roman Catholic School Board - serving
Burlington, Oakville, Milton and Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada.
Illinois Principals Association is a statewide professional organization
of K-12 building level school administrators that provides legal
advice, lobbying, publications and professional in-service to
its members. We build better schools by building better
Illinois Valley Association for the Education of
Young Children - IVAEYC is comprised of day-care providers,
pre-school, and elementary school educators of north central
Illinois and exists to provide information and resources to
enhance young children's lives.
Independent Schools Network - A network
of independent schools in Canada, primarily in the metro Toronto
International Reading Association
International Society for Technology in Education
The International Technology Education Association
Institute for the Transfer of Technology to Education
Kern County Network for Children- Helps
build and sustain healthy families and enrich the lives of children
in Kern County, California
Michigan State Office of the North Central Association of Colleges
and Schools - Regional accrediting association that
accredits over 1,000 K-12 schools in Michigan.
Military Impacted Schools Association - Committed
to securing funding for the education of military dependents
through the Impact Aid Program.
Minnesota State High School League
Minnesota Association of School Administrators
- MASA members include over 500 public and non-public superintendents,
directors of special education, other central office administrators,
and service providers.
Montana Educational Telecommunications Network
National Assessmento of Educational Progress
National Association for Bilingual Education
- National non-profit membership and advocacy organization dedicated
to educational equity and excellence for language-minority students
and the development of bilingualism by all Americans.
National Alliance for Safe Schools - Provides
technical assistance, training and research to school districts
interested in reducing school-based crime and violence.
National Assessment Governing Board
National Association for the Education of Young
Children National accreditation-granting
group for childcare institutions in the US.
National Association for Year-Round Education
- Serves as a clearinghouse for information on year-round education,
time and learning.
National Association of Elementary School Principals
- Serving America's children for 75 years.
National Association of Federal Education Program
National Association of Federally Impacted Schools
- committed to protecting funding for Impact Aid, the federal
program that funds school districts on or near Indian lands,
military bases or other forms of federal property.
National Association of Secondary School Principals
National Association of School Psychologists
National Business Education Association
National Association of State Boards of Education
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
National Center for Education Statistics
- Federal entity fulfilling a Congressional mandate to collect,
collate, analyze, and report complete statistics on the condition
of American education.
National Center for Technology Planning
National Center to Improve Practice
National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education
- Dedicated to developing effective family/school partnerships
in schools throughout America.
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
National Council of Teachers of English
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
National Council on Teacher Quality
National Council on Teacher Retirement
National Council for the Social Studies
National Education Association
National Clearinghouse of Bilingual Educators
National Center on Education and the Economy
National Educational Service - works with
educators and youth professionals to help foster environments
in which all children will succeed.
National School Boards Association
National School Supply and Equipment Association
National Science Teacher Association - Provides
many programs and services for science educators. Information
about their five journals.
National Staff Development Council
National Foundation for the Improvement of Education
National Governors' Council - information
service for school governors in England and Wales.
National Middle School Association - devoted to improving
the educational experiences of young adolescents.
Network of Sacred Heart Schools - collaborative
on-line community for Sacred Heart faculty and students across
the country.
Nevada Music Educators Association
New Hampshire Association of School Principals
New York State Association of Independent Schools
North Central Association Commission on Schools
- Responsible for the accreditation of non-post-secondary
schools in the central US.
North Country Education Foundation - Non-profit
consortium of the school districts in the northern one-third
of New Hampshire.
Patchogue-Medford Congress of Teachers
- Offers school and community news, advice for parents, discussions
of current educational issues, and education links. (Located
in New York State?)
Primary Source - Non-profit center for
multicultural and global education; offers professional development
and curriculum resources to teachers and school communities.
Pennsylvania School Boards Association
Pennsylvania State Education Association Interactive
- Pennsylvania organization committed to advancing public education
for all students. Site content includes an online SAT.
School Administrators of Iowa - Association
of School Administrators of Iowa.
American School Counselor Association
ASCA focuses on providing professional
development, enhancing school counseling programs, and researching
effective school counseling practices. ASCA's mission is to
promote excellence in the profession of school counseling and
the development of all students.
Sexuality Information and Education Council
Society for Information Technology and Teacher
StudentNet - Educational service for members
of Australasian school communities in Australia.
The Association of Boarding Schools -
Boarding school information and resources; includes directory
containing information on over 250 TABS boarding schools.
Teach For America
Teacher Education Council of State Colleges and Universities
Teachers of English to Students of Other Languages
Teachers Standards and Practices Commission
- Ensure that every Oregon student is provided with a competent
and ethical educator.
Telis - Non-profit education
foundation dedicated to providing quality electronic learning
Texas Center for Educational Technology
- Provides information concerning better use of technology in
K-12 education.
United States Distance Learning Association
US Tech Corps - Helping Schools Get Connected
Vancouver Catholic Schools Teachers' Association
- Supporting Catholic education in the schools of the Vancouver
Western Boarding Schools Association The
Western Boarding Schools is an association of 39 college preparatory
schools representing the Western United States and Canada serving
students from around the nation and the world.
Wisconsin Education Association Council
- WEAC is composed of over 80,000 Wisconsin education professionals.
Organizations Without Web
Sites |
American Association
of Christian Schools
4500 S Selsa Road
Independence MO 64050
American Association
of School Personnel Administrators
3336 Bradshaw Road
Sacramento CA 95827-2615
American Association
of Teachers
112 Haddontowne Court
Cherry Hill NJ 08034-3661
American Teachers
1106 Clayton Lane
Austin TX 78723-1033
of California School Administrators
4308 Park Boulevard
San Diego, CA 92103-2515
of California School Administrators
1517 L Street
Sacramento, CA 95814-4004
of California School Administrator
4665 Lampson Avenue
Los Alamitos, CA 90720-5139
of California School Administrators
1575 Bayshore Highway
Burlingame, CA 94010-1613
of Christian Schools
731 N Beach Boulevard
La Habra, CA 90631-3626
of Teachers in Independent Schools
1075 Park Ave
New York NY 10128-1003
Teachers Association
1121 Baldwin Street
Salinas, CA 93906-3678
Teachers Association
281 N Rampart Street
Orange, CA 92668-1850
Teachers Association Higher Education
10393 San Diego Mission Road
San Diego, CA 92108-2175
Michigan Education
100 Renaissance Center
Detroit, MI 48243-1003
AFT Michigan
23461 Greenfield Rd
Southfield, MI 48075
National Association
of Biology Teachers
11250 Roger Bacon Drive
Reston, VA 22090-5202
National Association
of Blind Teachers
1155 15th Street NW
Washington, DC 20005-2706
National Association
of Catholic School Teachers
1700 Sansom Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-5234
National Association
of Catholic School Teachers
2-A E Mall Plaza
Carnegie, PA 15106-2456
National Association
of Education Office Personnel.
1841 S Eisenhower,
National Association
of Elementary School Principals.
1615 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA
National Association
of Independent Schools
1620 L St NW
Washington. DC
National Association
of Private Schools For Excellence
1522 K St NW
Washington, DC
National Association
of Secondary School Principals
1904 Association Drive
Reston, VA
National Association
of Teachers
370 S Pressview Avenue
Longwood, FL 32750-6866
National City
Elementary Teachers Association
196 Landis Avenue
Chula Vista, CA 91910-2518
National Retired
Teachers Association
3200 E Carson
Lakewood, CA 90711
National Science
Teachers Association
1840 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22201-3000
National Teacher
Associates, Inc.
316 W 12th Street
Austin, TX 78701-1840
National Teacher
Associates of New Mexico, Inc.
1709 Moon Street NE
Albuquerque, NM 87112-3973
Associate Superintendent
3550 Foothill Boulevard
Rock Springs, WY 82901-4851
Teachers Association
of Lee County
2830 Winkler Avenue
Fort Myers, FL 33916-9301
Teachers Association
3181 Saunders Settlement Road
Sanborn, NY 14132-9487
Teachers Association
of Anne Arundel County
2521 Riva Road
Annapolis, MD 21401-7408
Teachers Association
of West C
960 N Amelia Avenue
San Dimas, CA 91773-1401
Teachers Education
Association District
214 415 E Golf Road
Arlington Heights, IL 60005-4049
Teachers Union
Local No. 3
1816 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-4902